July 23, 2012

The Perfect Brown Rice

Cooking "true" brown rice can be daunting to some. You boil it and boil it for hours and it's still crunchy. Converted brown rice (ie, Uncle Ben's Brown Rice) takes the guess work out, but this super healthy grain loses so much in that process. You can make perfect brown rice but you have to be willing to spend the time. It's worth it. I suffer with terrible digestive problems and white rice can give me serious stomach troubles. Brown rice is a staple with me and it's beautiful nutty flavor makes it worth the extra time. The plus side, you can make a large portion and it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 days in an airtight container or split between freezer bags and frozen and thawed for later. The steps I have listed below are NECESSARY in order to get perfect brown rice.

Measurements: 1 part brown rice to 2 parts liquid.
So, if you use 1 cup brown rice, you'll use 2 cups broth or water.

In a stock pot put 1-3 tablespoons of oil, depending on how much rice is used. You want the oil to coat the rice, but you don't want it floating in oil. I like to use olive oil. You can choose for yourself.

Put your rice into the oil over medium high heat, stirring constantly. You will begin to smell a wonderful nutty aroma coming from the rice. Do this for about 5 minutes. If pieces of rice start to puff, remove from heat. This step is one of those absolutely necessary steps I referred to.

When the rice is browned and smelling wonderful, pour your broth or water over the rice.

Now, I use the rice as a side with meats, fowl and fish but I also have it with an egg for breakfast or with steamed veggies for lunch, so I like to season my rice. I add:

1/2 bell pepper (any color) diced
1/2 onion, diced
1 stalk celery, diced
1 teaspoon garlic, minced
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon Creole Seasoning
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes

I add these ingredients when I pour the liquid over the rice. Bring the rice up to a full boil. When it's at a full boil, turn the fire down to the lowest setting and cover. Set a timer for 40 minutes and let it simmer on low. DO NOT OPEN THE LID!!! I know the desire to peek and stir eats at you, but don't do it!

When your timer goes off in 40 minutes, remove the pot from heat, STILL COVERED, and set the timer for 20 minutes. Do not open the lid!!

At the end if the 20 minutes, open the lid and stir the rice to release the heat and leave it uncovered to let it cool down. Do not recover until the rice has cooled.

If you follow these steps, you will have perfect brown rice.

Brown rice is one of the most beneficial starches you can eat. Each 1/2-cup serving of brown rice provides a slew of good nutrition, including 5 percent of your daily protein requirement, 8 percent of your daily fiber requirement and good amounts of the minerals iron, thiamin, niacin and folate.

Go, eat!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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